Wednesday, May 9, 2012

a new name, and everything new about me.

I'm starting a new blog. The other one was giving me anxiety because I was sooo behind on updating it. I figured instead of trying to catch up I might as well start fresh. I love artful postures of love, but when I read over old posts I hardly recognize that girl. I hate to give up the name because it was so pretty, and really meant so much to me, but its time for a change. Let's see if I will actually become a blogger this time. Ha! probably not.

Hopefully carats for cara doesn't sound too "princess-ish" as a title. It was chosen because when Noah proposed to me he wrote me a story called "carats for cara". At the end of the book, cut out deep into the pages was my beautiful diamond ring! carats as in "diamond carats" not carrots that you eat. I know i'm a terrible speller but this one wasn't a mistake.

"Thus I began my new life, in a new name, and with everything new about me. Now that the state of doubt was over, I felt, for many days, like one in a dream...whether it lasted for a year, or more, or less, I do not know. I only know that it was, and ceased to be; and that I have written, and there I leave it".

{Charles Dickens}

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